Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wedding, Birthday, New Baby and Accident! Whew!

Love these ladies!

So it has been a while! The Bodfam went to Houston for Trish Bodman's wedding this weekend. How beautiful it was and what a stunning bride Trish was. Michael is one lucky man and I am so happy to welcome him to the family. Such a wonderful thing to hang out with my Bodman family. I am extremely lucky, you know why? Because my in laws are amazing and marrying Chris gave me the sisters I never had. Jessica, Trish, Rebecca, Theresa and our precious Juliana and some pretty great brothers too Jacob and Troy!

Friday on 11-11-11 I got a text photo of my new nephew, Baby Zane. Another amazing part to my family, Jeremy and Shanna had their first baby and its a BOY! Welcome Zane! This part of my family is just as fabulous.....I am truly blessed!

Saturday Morning - 11-12-12 Corbin's BDAY! What a blast and what a cutie. Corban loves his balls, Chris loves to spoil him and we all love to watch him go! I can't wait for him and Hayley to wear each other out one day. Love love love this precious boy!

Coming home on Sunday filled with Joy, we make it just in time to get Faith dressed and off to the soccer field for her 1pm game. The ladies played hard but could not pull off the win, the other team wanted it more and won 2-0. One more game this coming weekend to hold our title. Home sweet home after the game and the weather was so nice and Lulu was so hot from her game we decided to chill by the pool. Brave soul she was, she jumped into the 60degree pool. NUTSO! I did what I do best, lay down on my lounge chair and enjoyed the sun beating down on me. Lulu curled up in the chair beside me and we made our grocery list for our evening's plan "coconut shrimp and chicken, sweet potatoes and grilled veggies. As we lay there basking in the sun, our eyes so tired we drifted off to sleep.

Next thing I knew I was waking up in the sun and it was 4:30. Decided to wake Lulu and head off to the store. A quick trip for just a few thing and then we received an email about a bake sale in the hood. The twins around the corner baked home made chocolate chip cookies and were selling them outside. Of course we want to support our neighbors and kids so we parked the car in the garage and decided to walk over there in the beautiful weather. Grocery's wont go bad in a few minutes.

Faith, Grace and I headed to the twins, bought some cookies and ended up hanging for quite sometime, an hour to be exact! I looked at my watch and thought "Chris is going to be starving we better go" Off to the house to start dinner. Just as we get into the driveway we hear Hayley say "mom mom something happened" I got this eery feeling in my stomach and I studied her pulling up into the driveway on her bike making sure she looked OK. I could hear terror in her voice even though it was calm and sweet sounding. She slowly stepped off her bike and in a sweet voice "look mom I fell off my bike and somethings happening" as she looks up, blood goes everywhere...there is a gash under her chin about an inch wide and you can see the abrasions. I cupped her in my hands and ran inside to the kitchen. Chris came into the kitchen to see. The second we moved my hand from her chin we both looked at each other with fear in my eyes and said "ER room now"

I held my baby girl in the back seat and talked to her on the way to the Immediate Care center down the road. She was so sweet and so calm and kept saying how tired she was. Keeping her awake by talking to her about the accident and how she is going to be just fine. Although I was freaking out inside! She said her arm hurt and she could not move it. Her face looks awful, but that she said was not so painful.

The doctors got us in pretty quickly and after inspecting the cut, she said we have 2 options. 6 stitches or we can glue it back together. After explaining the difference to Hayley, she opted for glue. Still no tears, just calmness! The doctor came in with antiseptic cleaning and cleaned off the injury, that made her cry because it burned. I could only imagine the pain while cleaning that deep cut. My poor baby. Within seconds the cut was pushed together and glued shut. What a trooper. 5 minutes of drying went by and then off to the xray room. She was once again a trooper, putting her arm in the ways the nurse asked and then back to the room waiting on results.

Doctor entered the room again and sure enough, buckle fracture. We cleaned her up with a wet rag and the fiberglass cast was applied and wrapped. WHEW! What a night. Well now it is 7:45 and no way was I going to be able to cook nor did I have an appetite. Right next door, Wendy's! Ok so not Paleo and so not what I had planned. With 3 little munckins and a night like this we compromise. Wendy's and frosty's for the kiddos!

Home and tucked my baby girl in, everyone grubbed down on food and headed off to bed. Groceries!!! Yikes! Unpacked the groceries and off to bed.

5am the alarm goes off for Crossfit. Hayley says don't go mommy.....UMMM no question about it. I will stay and snuggle. 7am came before we knew it and we were all up and getting ready for the day. Hayley decided to tough it out and go to school. She was emotionally drained from the night before, but I have a feeling she wanted to show off her war wounds.

Dropped kids off and I headed to Yoga! Well just me and the fabulous Stephanie. Boy did she work us out! Challenging and great Yoga class. Then off to work for a few hours and back to Combine for the 12:30 WOD. So glad I went:
5 Rounds of:
5 HSPU (Hand Stand Push Ups)
10 SLDL (Stiff Leg Dead Lifts)
30 Air Squats

800M run! AWESOME work out!

Back to the house to shower, more work and then off to kid duty at 3:30. Pick up CG and Take Lulu and CG to soccer practice then meet at JiJitsu for Parent coach meeting at 5:20. Back home by 6pm to prepare my Sunday meal that never happened!

Fried Coconut Shrimp and Chicken
Mix Almond Flour, coconut flakes, salt and pepper in a bowl
Whisk together a few eggs
Dip the jumbo shrimp in the egg then the dry mixture and in the frying pan
Fry them in coconut oil only
Place them on a baking sheet
Repeat with chicken tenders

I put the baking sheet in the over at 350 for 15 minutes while I finished the sweet potatoes and grilled some veggies.

Red and Green Bell Peppers, Mushrooms and asparagus - mix them all in a bowl with balsamic vinegar, olive oil and S&P. Throw them in a grill basket and grill to your likings!


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